
Searching the internet for information about allergies and asthma can be both rewarding and frustrating. We recommend some sites which are dedicated to providing medically sound help to our patients.

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology – This rich site has a wealth of information including up-to-date news releases. Visit this site when you have some time to spend.

American Lung Association – This website is dedicated to providing sound medical information for those with chronic respiratory illness.

Immune Deficiency Foundation – An essential site providing information to those with primary immunodeficiency.

American Latex Allergy Association – An essential site providing information to those with a natural rubber latex allergy.

FEAST – Food Education Allergy Support Team

Email us to learn about our exciting local support team meetings in our Pleasanton office.

Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics, Inc. – This site provides many resources for the allergy and asthma patient and his or her family. The BEST GUIDE TO ALLERGY can be purchased online.

American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology – Another excellent site for those wanting to learn more about allergies and asthma.

FARE – Food Allergy Research and Education – Food allergy symptoms can range from frustrating to life threatening. This site is invaluable for the food allergy sufferer.

Health Journey Support – With educational videos addressing: AsthmaSpirometry, and COPD

Have questions? Want to book an appointment?
Give us a call. We look forward to speaking with you!